06 July 2008


After losing a couple of heads up Sngs - in one match there were two straight flushes, including the last hand that knocked me out- I decided to try my hand at a little MTT. Decided to play a 45 player MTT on FTP. Got knocked down to a pretty small stack but managed to battle my way back to be in the top 5 for most of the later part of the tournament. With 2 tables left, the top four stacks were all at our table. When we were down to 10 we had the 4 biggest stacks and the smallest stack. He managed to hang on for a while until I made the comment "cue the Rocky theme song" after he won a hand. Of course that was the kiss of death and busted out on the very next hand.

Not only does it feel good to cash, it feels even better to have hung tough and protect a small stack and manage to make it to final table, especially considering I never had aces, kings or jacks and only had queens once and that wasn't until the final table.

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