17 December 2008

dumb ass = Me

Played in the Starts WBCOOP PLO8 event tonight. I don't play much (any) PLO8 but I figured I would give it shot. You really are trying to place in the top 72 so that you win a seat in the main event so this is really just a satellite. Sure, top 10 places pay out some extra goodies, but 1-72 all get a seat in the final event. With that in mind, when I sucked out on a guy with a 2 outer on the river and found myself 12th in chips with a little over 130 to go, I should have just walked away. The poker gods had smiled down on me and rewarded my stupidity (in my defense, I had a straight and 2nd nut flush draw, I just didn't realize that he already had his straight and had the nut flush draw) at which point I should have just stepped away, washed the dishes and let myself coast into the top 72.

But did I do that? Nooooooooo.....

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

11 December 2008

HORSEing around

Been playing some .50/1 HORSE on Full Tilt and play money Badugi on Stars just for shits and giggles. I've been having a good time brushing up on the mixed games and managing to book a couple of wins at the same time. It's also been a good exercise in patience. I'm sure I'm not the only one who experience this, but it seems like I get rolled up pairs in Razz (especially Kings and Queens) way more than I do in Stud. I think my record was 5 bring-ins in a row at one point. Razz and Stud are especially fun when the table gets short-handed and people are winning with a J low or A high. The turnover at the tables is pretty high. People sit down with $10 and burn through that pretty quick and leave. Good starting hand selection and patience resulted in 1.5 buy-ins in a couple of hours.

I'm still trying to figure out Badugi. I could see how there could be some big swings if you were playing for cash. Right now I'm just playing with play money so people are chasing and drawing 3 and 4 cards regularly so I'd be interested to try my hand playing for real money some time.

04 December 2008

FTP cash for PS cash?

Anybody have some money on PokerStars that they would like to exchange for Full Tilt or Ultimate Bet cash? I'm looking for a 1-for-1 exchange. Maybe $100 or so.

A beautiful sight.

My son recently emptied a deck of playing cards onto the floor. Without coaching he first picked up the joker and then the Ace of spades. I almost cried. I don't agree with Norman Chad on much, but I do think that the Ace of spades is the most beautiful card in the deck. Unfortunately by the time I grabbed the camera he had dropped the cards and was playing with my car keys. Now if I can only teach him to say "All in."


Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 258691