13 May 2009

Tips for the WSOP newbie

Pauly has a great primer for food options at the WSOP. Although I've never played myself, I thought I'd throw in a few of my own general Las Vegas/Poker Tourney tips.

Much as I am maligned for doing so, I have a man purse that I use almost exclusively when in Las Vegas. It's a sleek little black Diesel bag that's a throwback from my metro days. If you are insecure about a man purse a backpack would do just as well. Here is a list of things of obvious and not so obvious things I carry in it.

  1. a light jacket. for some reason I always get cold in casinos and poker rooms, but not when I'm walking around or outside, so I keep this folded up for when I need it.
  2. drugs. another thing that often happens to me is getting headaches. I don't know if it's the dry air or the copious amounts of alcohol often consumed, but I get bad headaches in Vegas. Sure, I could go to the gift shop and buy some, but I'd no doubt pay way too much and I'd also need to leave the table, so instead I just carry some Tylenol at all times. I also have some claritin if my allergies act up.
  3. candy. We've all been there. You've been up all night and haven't brushed your teeth. Your breath stinks and you know it and the others at the table know it. That's why I carry an assortment of mints and hard candies. Those melting strips are also nice. And if you like gum bring your own. Good luck finding that in the gift shop. I think someone once told me that the casinos don't sell gum because the don't like having to pull it out of the carpet and from the bottom of tables. Also, offering candy to others at the table makes friends, which might be especially nice if you're playing next to Liz Lieu or Jennifer Leigh.
  4. water. I know it's "free" in most places, but sometimes you are stuck at the table from hell with the cocktail waitress who comes around every hour if you're lucky. Also, I actually like to walk around the Strip when I'm in Las Vegas so it's always nice to have some with you when you're not at a table. Usually I'll just take a bottle with me from the table and fill it with water fountain water or a big bottle in my room.*
  5. Snacks. Pauly touched on this in his blog, but I think this is especially true if you're in an all-day tourney. I personally don't function well when I'm hungry so a couple of energy bars in the bag are good emergency food.
  6. Misc. Stuff. iPod, note pad, pen, card protector, tournament structure sheets, stripper flyers, whatever (Liz Lieu's phone number after you give her candy...). I guess you could just stuff your pockets, but I'm not a big fan of the bulging pockets look.**
On thing about a man purse or back pack is that after sitting at a table for hours on end, it is very easy to forget it's there and walk away without it (especially if your last hand was a brutal, soul-crushing, two-outer suckout on the river). Although it's always been there when I've gone back, it's still a pain to have to go all the way back to the poker room to get your bag. For this reason, also, I wouldn't keep any money or my wallet in the bag.

* thoughts on water. I'm not a miser, but I just can't bring myself to pay $5 for those bottles of water they have in the hotel room. As I said earlier, I like to walk around in Las Vegas, so one of my first jaunts is down to the Walgreens (?) on the strip. I go down and pick up a couple of liters of water and the above mentioned candy and snacks. I usually do this in the evening when it's a little cooler and the walkways aren't as crowded.

** If it's my bankroll that's making my pockets bulge, so be it, but unfortunately I've never had that problem.

1 comment:

Pauly said...

Thanks for mentioning my piece about WSOP food.